Project Services

Project Management
Project Recovery
Program Management
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Projects increasingly fall short of their scheduling, qualitative or monetary expectations, or simply fail – with sometimes considerable consequences for the management in charge or, in the case of large projects, for the competitiveness of the company.

With hindsight, one can see there is an endless host of causes:

  • Hazily defined responsibilities

  • Underestimated complexities

  • Communication deficits

  • Departmental self-interest

  • The never-ending “moving target” effect so well known in technology projects

  • Etc.

The key to avoiding these problems is to recognise their symptoms:

  • Slow reaction to project requests

  • Indefinite statements about the project status (“Everything’s under control”)

  • Steady downgrading of the priority of the project culminating in non-attendance of project participants

  • Short-term cancellation of appointments

  • Delays in even small tasks

And then take action fast, to save the project from failure.

Given that, for technical, political or capacity reasons, a project can seldom be salvaged from inside, we offer our customers systematic and efficient support in the reconditioning of the project, including fast and discrete status ascertainment, pinpointing concrete measures or taking over responsibility.

We always set great store by a close relationship with the customer’s organisation so as to quickly regain control of the project, set the scene for a successful execution and lead the project to success.

EMCG The European Management Consulting Group GmbH
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